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Such a phenomenon as dermatosis in children is very common and requires special attention from both parents and pediatricians. It is necessary not only to buy allegra online active development, but also to avoid it in the future. Basically, dermatosis in children is of several types. Diaper dermatosis is inherent in the smallest children. It can occur as a result of prolonged contact of the child's skin with urine or feces, improperly selected personal hygiene products., the wrong choice of diapers, food allergies or dysbacteriosis. It is especially evident in the perineum and buttocks. Seborrheic dermatosis in children. Its development is promoted by a fungal infection that provokes rashes in the hair area. Small yellow crusts can cover the baby's scalp almost along the entire perimeter. By itself, it does not cause any discomfort to the child, but if, in addition to dermatitis, a bacterial infection joins, it will be much more difficult to get rid of the disease. Contact dermatitis develops in children after contact with an allergen.

Causes the baby a certain discomfort, as it constantly itches. With the exclusion of contact with the allergen, it passes quite quickly without visible complications. Atopic dermatosis in children. It is a congenital predisposition of the child to allergic reactions. It manifests itself in the form of severe reddening of the skin with slight itching. Over time, vesicles with purulent contents form on the reddened skin, which, after opening, become covered with a small crust.

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Dermatosis in children is a cause for concern. By curing it in time and eliminating allergens, you can permanently get rid of the disease. The exception is atopic dermatosis, which will have to be fought for a lifetime. There are many treatments for dermatosis. But, the most important thing in this process is to identify the cause and eliminate it. Along with general differences, dermatosis treatment is similar in some aspects. Taking antihistamines. Exclusion of contact with allergens. Use of emollients. The use of oral corticosteroids.

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Self-treatment of allegra is not recommended. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe the right drugs and eliminate the root cause of the disease. As soon as the first signs of dermatosis appear on the skin, they should be dealt with immediately. Otherwise, you can aggravate the condition and provoke unwanted complications. Dermatosis ash or ash-gray, persistent spotted pigmentation, idiopathic spotted pigmentation, melanodermic curly chronic erythema. Definition. Acquired dermatosis of unknown origin with characteristic hyperpigmentation. He drew attention to the variability in coloration, which ranged from ash-black and bluish-gray to order fexofenadine online. In some cases MV Sulzberger has seen hypopigmentation. Currently, about 15 synonyms of this disease are known.

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Other authors suggest that the causes of the disease are infections (worm infestation, HIV and others), the ingestion of fexofenadine (ammonium nitrate, cobalt, pesticides, fungicides). The toxic-allergic nature of the disease is possible (cases that developed after the use of drugs, cosmetics, food products are described). The role of endocrine disorders, immune shifts (thyroid disease and others) is discussed. There is an opinion that dermatosis is a variant of allegra pills form of lichen planus.

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  • More often the disease was recorded in persons of Hispanic origin living in Central America, cases were less often described in patients from the USA, Japan and Europe.
  • The polyetiological nature of the disease is not excluded.
  • Oval, rounded spots or plaques with uneven edges and a smooth surface, with a diameter of 0.2 to 2-10 cm.
  • At the initial stage, a faintly expressed and slightly raised pink narrow corolla can be observed around hyperpigmented spots.

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The rashes do not peel off, do not merge. This accentuates the central pigmentation. Sometimes the lesions have a polymorphic appearance (simultaneous combination of hyper- and hypopigmented areas). Subjective sensations are usually absent, sometimes there is a slight itching. More often on the face, on the proximal parts of the upper limbs, neck, torso, less often on the hips. Eruptions are not noted on the mucous membranes, palms and soles. The location of the spots along the Langer lines is often traced. Sometimes the process can be unilateral or linear.

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In the epidermis - slight hyperkeratosis with orthokeratosis, sometimes more pronounced in the mouths of the follicles, acanthosis, vacuolar degeneration of basal cells and a decrease in the number of melanocytes in the basal layer.